Double Chocolate Ice Cream

Double Chocolate Ice Cream

Servings: 1 Litre


5 egg yolks
50g brown sugar
2 cups (500ml) full cream milk
1 cup (250ml) cream
75g NOMU Cocoa, sifted
1 tsp (5ml) NOMU Vanilla Essence
150g NOMU Decadent Hot Chocolate


Beat the egg yolks and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Heat the milk, cream, Cocoa and Vanilla together until scalded but not boiling.

Slowly pour the hot liquid over the egg mixture, beating all the time to prevent the eggs from scrambling.

Pour the custard mixture back into a clean pot and gently cook over low heat until the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon.

Remove from the heat and allow to cool before adding the Decadent Hot Chocolate chunks. Pour into an ice cream machine and churn until set.


5 egg yolks
50g brown sugar
2 cups (500ml) full cream milk
1 cup (250ml) cream
75g NOMU Cocoa, sifted
1 tsp (5ml) NOMU Vanilla Essence
150g NOMU Decadent Hot Chocolate


Beat the egg yolks and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Heat the milk, cream, Cocoa and Vanilla together until scalded but not boiling.

Slowly pour the hot liquid over the egg mixture, beating all the time to prevent the eggs from scrambling.

Pour the custard mixture back into a clean pot and gently cook over low heat until the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon.

Remove from the heat and allow to cool before adding the Decadent Hot Chocolate chunks. Pour into an ice cream machine and churn until set.

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