About us
NOMU contributes to a better world for both people and nature by purchasing responsibly sourced Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa. The Rainforest Alliance works to achieve better living conditions for farmers and workers by encouraging good agricultural practices that help improve crop yields and income, while protecting the environment.
About us
NOMU contributes to a better world for both people and nature by purchasing responsibly sourced Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa. The Rainforest Alliance works to achieve better living conditions for farmers and workers by encouraging good agricultural practices that help improve crop yields and income, while protecting the environment.

Rainforest Alliance
Small choices,
Huge impact
UTZ is now part of the Rainforest Alliance! The two organisations joined forces in 2018. The goal has become to create a better future for the world and the natural environment.
This is why, from now on, you will see the new Rainforest Alliance certification seal on all of our products that use cocoa! And just like the original UTZ label, the Rainforest Alliance seal will stand for farmers and companies working towards a world where people and nature thrive in harmony. The new seal represents the next step in sustainability and is a signal that NOMU is also committed to always getting better at what we do. Our goal is also to be transparent about our progress in terms of best environmental practice in production and procurement and to share the responsibility with all other role players in the supply chain.

Rainforest Alliance
FOLLOW the frog
As one of nature’s super indicator species, the presence of the frog is a positive sign that a natural ecosystem is balanced and thriving. When frogs disappear, we know that the environment is compromised and other species within that ecosystem will soon suffer if there isn’t positive, real action in response.
That’s why we ask you to follow the frog. By supporting NOMU Hot Chocolate and Cocoa with the frog seal, you also help us to contribute to better farming practices, fight against climate change, conserve our forests, protect the human rights of farmers and workers, and improve their livelihoods. Learn more on the Rainforest Alliance website.