Makes: 14-16 crêpes


NOMU Pancake And Waffle Baking Kit (2 x sachets)
2 large eggs
60ml sunflower oil
600ml milk

200ml whipping cream
Honey, to taste
3 fresh oranges
NOMU Sweet Rub




To prepare the crêpe batter, mix together all of the wet ingredients, then add the contents of 2 x Pancake And Waffle Kit sachets. Mix together with a whisk until well combined.

Ideally use a crêpe pan to cook the pancakes; however, a good non-stick frying pan will also do. Over medium to high heat, brush the pan with melted butter and wipe away the excess with some kitchen paper. Pour a ladle of batter into the center of the pan, quickly swirling the pan around till the batter has evenly covered the entire pan.

For crêpes you need a very thin layer, so use a smaller amount at a time. Cook the pancakes on one side until nicely coloured, 1-2 minutes. Flip the pancake over and cook the other side for another minute or so. Don’t worry if the first pancake is a flop! That ones for the pooch.

Fold the crêpes into triangles and whip up some fresh cream for serving. Dollop the triangles with fresh cream, a drizzle of honey, a sprinkle of Sweet Rub and a squeeze of orange juice.  Best enjoyed immediately!


NOMU Pancake And Waffle Baking Kit (2 x sachets)
2 large eggs
60ml sunflower oil
600ml milk

200ml whipping cream
Honey, to taste
3 fresh oranges
NOMU Sweet Rub




To prepare the crêpe batter, mix together all of the wet ingredients, then add the contents of 2 x Pancake And Waffle Kit sachets. Mix together with a whisk until well combined.

Ideally use a crêpe pan to cook the pancakes; however, a good non-stick frying pan will also do. Over medium to high heat, brush the pan with melted butter and wipe away the excess with some kitchen paper. Pour a ladle of batter into the center of the pan, quickly swirling the pan around till the batter has evenly covered the entire pan.

For crêpes you need a very thin layer, so use a smaller amount at a time. Cook the pancakes on one side until nicely coloured, 1-2 minutes. Flip the pancake over and cook the other side for another minute or so. Don’t worry if the first pancake is a flop! That ones for the pooch.

Fold the crêpes into triangles and whip up some fresh cream for serving. Dollop the triangles with fresh cream, a drizzle of honey, a sprinkle of Sweet Rub and a squeeze of orange juice.  Best enjoyed immediately!

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